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Mental Health in Conversation!

 Below you will find links to recent events demonstrating moments of advocacy and educating the public about mental health in non-traditional settings.  

NBC4 - New year Resolutions

Dr. Smedley spoke with NBC4 Washington Evening News Anchor, Shawn Yancy about making realistic resolutions for the New Year.


APA Advocacy Coordinating Committee Appointment

The Advocacy Coordinating Committee (ACC) is charged with recommending a slate of advocacy priorities for APA’s companion advocacy organization, APA Services. Laura Knudtson, Jonathan Metzler, Jessica Smedley, and Erica Wise have been appointed to serve on the ACC from 2022-2024.

APA monitor Interview

Dr. Smedley was interviewed by Tori DeAngelis with other esteemed BIPOC Psychologists about broadening our understanding of healing and mental health in communities of color.


Masters in Psychology Podcast

"Blending Faith and Psychology to her Holistic and Social-Justice Oriented Approach to Mental Health Services"

Dr. Smedley speaks with Bradley Schumacher!

BNC Weekend Live News 

Dr. Smedley was interviewed by the Black News Channel, Brittany Jones for Self-Care Saturday.

"Black Women Leading the Way in Self-Care"


NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo

Dr. Smedley spoke with NBC4's Darcy Spencer about children's mental health and learning during the pan​demic for the annual Health and Fitness Expo!

Mental Health Interview with NNPA/Black Press USA

Dr. Smedley was interviewed by the DMV's own Taylor Thomas on NNPA's Thursday evening #FIYAH! segment February 4, 2021.


NBC4 - How to talk to Kids about Capitol Insurrection​

The way kids are processing the riots at the U.S. Capitol is so important! Pay attention to how you are doing and make room for conversation, questions, and keep your eyes on what they are watching on social media.

Mental Health and Holiday Travel

Dr. Smedley offers her perspective with DCist on people's decisions to travel during a pandemic for the holidays.  


Healthy Minds, Healthy Community!

Dr. Smedley was a guest panelist on October 10, 2020 discussing racial trauma with host, Harold Branch III, creator, Dr. Evelyn Burrell,  and fellow guests APA CEO Dr. Arthur Evans and Urban Trauma expert Dr. Maysa Akbar.

Psychology Today - The Need for Supp​ort Groups in Times of Tension

Dr. Smedley was interviewed and offered insights about Support groups during stressful times.

Juneteenth - "Can You See Me?" Celebrating black mental health

To honor Juneteenth 2020, Dr. Smedley organized a panel of colleagues to have a conversation about black mental health as a part of DCPA's ongoing Task Force efforts.  When asked, why Juneteenth, Dr. Smedley commented, "We have joy but are fatigued from controlling our fear.  We love but are weary from persistent rage.  We laugh but maintain a readily available lament.  This is why we honor black mental health on Juneteenth." 


Dr. Smedley on NBC4 Washington

Dr. Smedley is co-leading the DC Psychological COVID-19 Task Force.  She was interviewed by NBC Washington's Darcy Spencer and shared details about the task force and  discussed the current mental health needs of the community

(Published 5/2/2020)​

DCPA COVID-10 Town Hall

Dr. Smedley hosted a COVID-19 Town Hall on behalf of the DC Psychological Association! Dr. Samira Paul, Dr. Delishia Pittman, and Dr. Kosha Shah provided insights about managing anxiety, stress, relationships, and parenting as it relates to the pandemic. (Published 4/25/2020) 


Relationships During COVID-19

Check out this discussion with Dr. Smedley and Dr. Maysa Akbar discussing relationships during COVID-19. (Published 4/23/2020) 

Mental Health in the Black Church During a Pandemic

Dr. Smedley recently held a two-part virtual discussion about mental health with Pastor Dante Quick at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church of Vallejo, CA. (Published 4/22 & 29/2020)


"Dating In the Workplace"

Check out Dr. Smedley's expert insights on relationship advice for an article on Elite Daily! 

Journaling to Cope

Journaling to Cope: An Alternative to Violence, is a resource that was published with black males at the forefront of the author's purpose for sharing his own journey of life's trials.  Dr. Smedley was invited to participate on this project to further emphasize the importance of mental health in the black community.  The foreword, written by Dr. Smedley, serves to educate the lay person about common mental health diagnoses, symptoms, and how they may appear in the context of black individuals and families.  


1100 New Jersey Ave SE Ste 2180

Washington, DC 20003

Smedley Psychological Services, LLC

"Our Lives Begin to End the Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter."

~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

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